Disk Copy 6.1 is a utility application that will mount disk images on your desktop, make exact copies of floppy disks from a disk image, convert disk images from one format to another, and create a disk image from a mounted volume or individual folder. Using DiskScripts and AppleScript, it can be used to automate software installations and disk image manipulation.
This Quick Reference will explain the basic functions of Disk Copy 6.1. More detail is provided in the Disk Copy 6.1 Manual and Balloon Help.
System requirements and supported features
Disk Copy requires System Software 7.0.1 or later and is a “fat binary” for both PowerPC and 68K-based Mac OS compatible computers; A/UX and Macintosh Application Environment (MAE) are not supported. Disk Copy 6.1 features extensive Balloon Help and supports Drag and Drop (requires System Software 7.5 or later), AppleScript, PlainTalk Text-to-Speech, and DigiSign digital signatures.
Mounting disk images
• Select one or more disk images and double-click. This only works for Disk Copy 6.1 images (Read/Write, Read-Only, and Read-Only Compressed).
• Select one or more disk images and drag into the Disk Copy 6.1 main window (requires System Software 7.5 or later).
• Select one or more disk images and drag onto the Disk Copy 6.1 application icon.
• Choose “Mount Image...” from the Image menu and select a disk image.
After a disk image is selected, Disk Copy 6.1 will present a progress dialog for mounting and checksum verification (if the option is selected), and an icon for the mounted volume will appear on the desktop.
You can now work with the mounted volume as you would any regular volume. To unmount, either drag the icon to the Trash or select the icon and use the “Put Away” command from the File menu. When you restart you computer, any mounted disk images will be unmounted.
Making floppies from disk images
• Select one or more disk images and double-click while pressing the Option key. This only works for Disk Copy 6.1 images (Read/Write, Read-Only, and Read-Only Compressed).
• Select one or more disk images and drag into the Disk Copy 6.1 main window while pressing the Option key (requires System Software 7.5 or later).
• Select one or more disk images and drag onto the Disk Copy 6.1 application icon while pressing the Option key.
• Choose “Make a Floppy...” from the Utilities menu and select a disk image.
Disk Copy 6.1 requires PC Exchange to make floppies from disk images that contain DOS or ProDOS volumes, such as a PC drive container or a DOS-formatted floppy. To make DMF (a 1.7 MB PC format) floppies, Disk Copy requires a SuperDrive and Mac OS 7.6, which includes PC Exchange version 2.1.1.
After a disk image is selected, Disk Copy 6.1 will present a progress dialog for checksum verification and ask you for a floppy that is the same size as the disk image. You cannot, for example, use a 1.4 MB floppy to make an 800K volume.
When making floppies, Disk Copy 6.1 uses more memory that its default memory setting. If there is not free RAM available, Disk Copy 6.1 will not be able to make the floppy and will present an error message. Either quit other running applications or increase Disk Copy’s Preferred memory size to 2048K.
If you insert a floppy that has been previously formatted and the Confirm Erases option is selected in the Preferences dialog box, Disk Copy 6.1 presents a dialog box asking you to confirm before erasing the floppy and copying new data to it.
Creating disk images
• Select one or more folders or disks and drag into the Disk Copy 6.1 main window (requires System Software 7.5 or later). Each folder and disk will be made into a separate disk image.
• Select one or more folders or disks and drag onto the Disk Copy 6.1 application icon. Each folder and disk will be made into a separate disk image.
• Choose “Create Image from Folder...” from the Image menu and select a folder.
• Choose “Create Image from Disk...” from the Image menu and select a disk.
After a folder or disk is selected, Disk Copy 6.1 will present a save dialog. Here you can enter a name and choose a format and size for the new disk image.
Converting disk images
• Select one or more disk images and double-click while pressing the Command key. This only works for Disk Copy 6.1 images (Read/Write, Read-Only, and Read-Only Compressed).
• Select one or more disk images and drag into the Disk Copy 6.1 main window while pressing the Command key (requires System Software 7.5 or later).
• Select one or more disk images and drag onto the Disk Copy 6.1 application icon while pressing the Command key.
• Choose “Convert Image...” from the Image menu and select a disk image.
After a disk image is selected, you will see the same standard dialog box that is presented when creating a new disk image. Conversion is actually creating a new image based on the original.
Disk Copy 6.1 will then create a new disk image based on the selected original and save it using the size and format options.
About the Disk Copy log
The Disk Copy log window keeps a detailed record of all activity since the Disk Copy application was launched. To view the log window, choose “Show Log Window” from the Edit menu. The contents of the log window can be saved to the “Disk Copy Log” file by selecting the “Save Log” option in the Preferences dialog box.
Executing a DiskScript
A DiskScript is a special file containing commands that instruct DiskCopy 6.1 to perform an action on a list of disk images, and to optionally launch an application with or without a specific document. DiskScripts are not related to, and do not require AppleScript to run.
• Select one or more DiskScripts and double-click.
• Select one or more DiskScripts and drag into the Disk Copy 6.1 main window (requires System • Software 7.5 or later).
• Select one or more DiskScripts and drag onto the Disk Copy 6.1 application icon.
• Choose “Execute DiskScript...” from the File menu and select a DiskScript.
AppleScript support
Disk Copy 6.1 is fully scriptable, recordable, and attachable. To get a list of the scripting commands available, use a script editor application to view the AppleScript dictionary of Disk Copy 6.1.
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